Our Journey

The Mental Health Journey

Growing up I suffered a lot of trauma and depression and developed amnesia and a personality disorder to cope with so many years of pain. By the time I got into my teens and had a little more autonomy over my body I decided to try and help my body not my mind with Nutrition and Exercise. The struggle to diet let me to therapy and therapy really opened my mind up to the power of healing and personal growth.

Since my four year therapy journey I’ve had a lot of beautiful breakthroughs with myself and have found a lovely place for myself to continually grow and help others grow.

The Fitness Journey

As a kid growing up I was very outdoorsy and was always outside playing, I was also an all-star cheerleader and ice-skater in elementary and a bit of middle school. But at the decline of family driven sports I completely let fitness go and only biked or walked to get to locations and school. I didn’t get into fitness until my senior year breakup when I had a lot of free time on my hands and then I dove deep into therapy, Jiujitsu, Yoga and Adventure Sports (this was a huge 360 degree change to how I was previously living). Once I began to fall in love with exercise I got my personal training, yoga and nutrition certifications. I became a rock climbing guide and taught yoga and really leaned into a healthier happier lifestyle.

And now through my work I hope I can inspire you to find a form of exercise you are in love with.