What You Should Know About Your Health Journey

f your goal is to get in shape by either putting on muscle, losing weight/fat or both- Your already on a path to take care of your body, and that’s AMAZING.

You’ve probably been trying a diet, workout routine or challenge or trend that seems the most appealing to you. If you’ve been on this hamster wheel awhile,

I would like you to keep this in mind-

The way in which you gain muscle, lose weight, lose fat and where, is very different for each and every person.

Genetics plays a huge role in how we maintain body fat, muscle, and nutrition.

A male in his early twenties may have a harder time losing weight than a male in his late forties. As well as, a female postpartum may find it easier to gain muscle than a teenager trying to gain muscle.

The truth is, it varies from person to person.

I don’t say this to bum you out, or make you give up.

In fact, I say this to give you hope and motivation to keep going!

Being on the health train back and forth is exhausting and we tend to burn ourselves out. We give up on whatever it is we tried and the saddest part is that we give up on ourselves.

The reason we set out to lose the weight or gain the muscle, is to feel good, be happy, take care of our body. This intention needs to be in the front of our brain, Always!

Taking care of ourselves is the most important thing we can do!

When our cup is full, we can give to others. So wherever you are in this journey; bring your mind to the intention you have made to be healthy.

Remind Yourself- Write It Down- Post It Somewhere You Can See!

This intention is the real ground work we build upon.

Next, know that your journey is simply trial-and-error and that’s okay. We are going to have to try some stuff consistently to know whether or not it works. The rule for trying things is giving it 21 Days, and if it works you keep and if not we try something new. Consistency is the key to achieving the goal. When consistency gets hard, we come right back to our Intention and we remind ourselves what’s really important! Intention is Foundation.

Consistency will awaken a lot of things within you; self trust, disciple, routine and most importantly self-awareness. Within those 21 Days, you will be very awake to yourself.

Self-Awareness is very crucial in finding what works for you! Without self-awareness we get trapped on the hamster wheel a very long time. If we are being truly consistent with ourselves, we will be aware what we can and cannot maintain. If we can’t digest a certain food, have sensitive blood sugar, prefer pilates or jiujitsu training, we’ll figure it out.

We will feel it in our body what works and what doesn’t. No path we take to get to the top is a mistake. It was a lesson in which we are wiser and can pass on our journey to others.

There’s so many tips and tricks in the health and fitness industry from so many different people because it worked for them and it might work for you?!

Find what works for you.

Stick to it.

Love it and Share it with others.

Learn to fall in love with the journey.

I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to get to your goal- Try Again! I believe in you and we only fail when we give up on ourselves. You are so worth the effort put in to this journey!



Periods 101